Choreo(Grapher) < >Photo(Grapher): Fátima Sastre

Performer: Alex Ramos

Music: Andres Giorgi



This work was a collaboration with 2 (DA) EN PAPEL EDITORA in their soon to be publication of the book: Improvisación en Danza Traducciones y Distorsiones Compiladoras Marie Bardet, Marina Tampini Y Josefina Zuain.

This photographic essay is a compilation of my experiences as a dancer and photographer regarding improvisation and how I portrait the feelings, textures and ideas I associate with this form of art.


Footnotes on pandemics dancing

Photo(grapher) and dancer: Fatima Sastre

Assistant: Andres Giorgi

I moved from LatinAmerica to Europe, days before the pandemic was declared. Not able to dance or photograph dancers. Even Though I worked online before covid was among us, it was only on rare occasions. I was completely overwhelmed with questions about my practice but most of all with zoom meetings and screens. What was my pleasure in dancing? Connecting and sharing, Yes! Zoom but not enough. Would we never be able to dance with others in person again? Isn’t the nicest feeling when you improvise with others a dance. I had to constantly remind myself that we never dance alone, a viewer is always there as a dancer, if not physically is in our minds. I unconsciously started a series of self portraits of me dancing, more for the creative process than for the achievements. A year later I ended with a stock of 100 images. Every sequence of photos is in different stages of the rules in the pandemics and in time. Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. I did not plan any settings or choreo(graphy) ahead. I just let my body and context decide. Sometimes I did not have my camara, sometimes I was not in the mood for the work that selfportretaing involves and sometimes (many) frustrated for not being able to achieve something on a regular basis with another dancer I would have been possible. Every timewas a journy and a diferent mood. This selection is a few of them.



An Ironic Essay On Latin America Femininity

When I first said to a British friend “Let me know when you get home” she looked at me in an odd way. Surprised, she told me later. Why would I ask her that? Instantly I thought any Latin American would know exactly why.

These photos are an exploration of woman mandates. Those that are right in front of our eyes but we need some irony to recognise the aungish they produce in people. The work was originally a performance that turned into a photo essay. Argentina was fighting for the right of abortion and job quota for trans. The feminist movement was finaly being heard and had some power in some political spaces. In 2020 and 2021 these goals were achieved and now the work is more sutil bringing consciousness about gender and different identities . Even Though this is a great conquest for Argentina and inspired other countries in Latin America. The question about femine identities still overexposes in an old fashioned way of thinking gender and power relationships. Despite greater visibility and social condemnation of gender, The Gender Equality Observatory of the United Nations regional organization informed that at least 4,091 women and trans were victims of femicide in 2020 in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Performer: Flavia Santoro